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In alignment with the University’s mission, the College of Business Administration updated its mission in 2020, with the aim “to prepare and inspire tomorrow’s managers, and to provide excellence and innovation in education-research, that have an impact on Bahrain and the region”. This mission has been altered, by taking into consideration the inputs from faculty members, students, alumni, employers and external environmental factors among other stakeholders.  The mission summarizes the College’s shared values and, in particular, innovation, excellence, teamwork, ethics and internationalization.  The College’s vision is “to be recognized as a leader in business education in the region by offering the highest quality of teaching and learning, research, service, and external engagement “.

The College 2020-2024 Strategy is outlined in four fundamental goals that are bounded by the five values.  The first goal is to “Strengthen External Engagement and Collaboration”. This goal aims to strengthen external engagement and collaboration; to achieve this the College will extend external collaboration with the College stakeholders and engage industry, associations, and professional societies in curriculum development. This goal is mapped to the second, fourth and fifth strategic pillars that support the University’s vision of becoming a world-class university. These strategic pillars are Leading-edge human capital; Dynamic, innovative, and entrepreneurial environment; and Local engagement and international reputation.

In addition, the second goal is to “Enhance Graduate Knowledge, Skills, and Competencies”. The College aims to enhance graduate knowledge, skills, and competencies by mapping all the academic programs with professional certifications and review their content to ensure that outcomes are in line with national and regional labor market needs. Also, the College aims to improve the practical aspect of learning, enhancing graduate skills such as leadership, teamwork, negotiation, conflict management, and develop the graduates’ entrepreneurial skills. This goal is mapped to the first and seventh UoB strategic pillars; namely, World-class learning and teaching, and a Transformative environment.

Moreover, the third goal is to “Raise Staff Performance”. The College aims to improve staff performance and to maintain an efficient student/faculty ratio that would help to lighten the faculty teaching load. Also, the College will develop staff capabilities, IT skills, and increase research activities. This goal is mapped to the first and third strategic pillars. These pillars are World-class learning and teaching, and Research with national and regional impact.

Finally, the fourth goal is to “Advance the College’s Visibility and Reputation”. In order to advance visibility and reputation, the College will work to achieve the AACSB re-accreditation, EQUIS and AMBA accreditations as well as meeting BQA indicators. The College will promote joint research publications with researchers from other universities and develop strategic collaborations with reputable international partners, institutions, and organizations to strengthen the postgraduate offerings. This goal is mapped to the fifth and sixth UoB strategic pillars; Local engagement and international reputation, and Bahrain’s economic diversification and growth.

College of Business Administration Booklet

College of Business Administration Booklet

PDF, 3.9 MB , 44 Pages



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