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Prof. Omar Issa Juhmani


Omar Issa Juhmani, PhD Professor of Accounting Department of Accounting /College of Business Administration University of Bahrain Professor Juhmani holds a Ph.D. in Accounting from the University of Wales-Bangor, United Kingdom. He is currently a professor of Accounting at the University of Bahrain, where he teaches financial accounting and management accounting courses at the undergraduate and master levels. He has also served as a chairperson of the Accounting Department, at Yarmouk University-Jordan and the University of Bahrain, also he has served as Managing Editor and Editor-in-Chief of the Arab Journal of Accounting. Throughout his 28-year career, Professor Juhmani has taught full-time in the University of Bahrain and Yarmouk University and as part-time in several universities, including New York Institute of Technology (NYiT) - Jordan, Institute of Banking Studies- Jordan, Irbid National University- Jordan, Jarash National University- Jordan and Philadelphia University- Jordan. He has awarded the “2001 Abed Al-Hameed Shoman” Award for Arab Youth. His current research interests include financial information disclosure (voluntary & mandatory), intellectual information disclosure, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), target costing, balanced scorecard, auditing, dividend pay-out policy, event studies, earnings management, and corporate governance. He has published 32 research papers in regional and international refereed journals, and 16 conference proceedings on financial and management accounting. He has also served as a chair/member of review panels for business programs (accounting, finance, and business management) in the kingdom of Bahrain.
