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Mr. Esam Mohamed Albastaki

Research and Teaching Assistant

Islamic Banking

Esam Albastaki is a Research and Teaching Assistant in the Islamic Banking and Finance department at the University of Bahrain. He obtained a Bachelor’s, majoring in Islamic Banking and Finance, and minoring in Banking Law from the University of Bahrain. He is in the process of doing a master's in Islamic banking and finance with the University of Bahrain and is expected to graduate in 2024. Also, he holds the Certified Shari’ah Advisor and Auditor “CSAA” from the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions “AAOIFI”, and the Advance Diploma in Islamic Commercial Jurisprudence “ADICJ” from the Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance “BIBF”. Regarding professional experience, Esam Albastaki worked as an Assistant Sharia Auditor at Shariyah Review Bureau.
