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Dr. Sarra Berraies

Assistant Professor

Management and Marketing

"Sarra Berraies is an assistant professor of Management at the College of Business Administration, University of Bahrain. After completing her Master’s degree in Enterprise and European Market (Option Management) at the University of Tunis, she obtained her Ph.D. in Management Sciences from the Higher Institute of Management of Tunis. In 2018, she obtained the accreditation to supervise doctoral research in management sciences from the University of Tunis. In 2020, she got promoted to the rank of associate professor in the Higher Institute of Management of Tunis. She has an experience of more than 15 years in teaching and supervising. In 2019, she taught professional master courses in Paris in collaboration with Le Mans University and Medicis University. She has also professional experiences as a recruitment manager, accountant and auditor and has experience and expertise in knowledge management consulting. She has performed many training in data analysis and can handle multiple data analysis software for both quantitative and qualitative research. She is a member of the research Laboratory ‘Applied Research in Business, relationships and Economics’ and the Tunisian Association for strategic intelligence, University of Tunis. Her research interests include innovation, knowledge management, learning, leadership, strategy, organizational behaviour, digital marketing, and firms’ governance. She published extensively in Web of science journals like Journal of Knowledge Management, Journal of Intellectual capital, Personnel Review, European Journal of Innovation Management, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, European Journal of International Management… and participated in several international conferences. "
