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Dr. Raj Bahadur Sharma

Assistant Professor

Dr. Raj Bahadur Sharma, Assistant Professor of the Department of Accounting, College Business Administration, University of Bahrain. He is an intellectual academician of high caliber with extensive experience of over fifteen years of teaching experience and research experience. Dr. Sharma has earned his Doctorate in Accounting (2008); M.Phil. in Accounting (2001); M.Com. in Accounting (1997); LL.B. (2005); from Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, INDIA. Also, he has been awarded MBA degree in finance from Pondicherry University, INDIA, and PG Diploma in Computer Accounting and Auditing (PGDCAA). He has provided his services as an ‘Assistant Professor’ at the Department of Accounting, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia regularly from Nov 2009 to Aug 2021. Along with his academic degrees, he has patents of two books in the area of Accounting. He has a nearly thirty research papers published in the Scopus, Web of Sciences, peer-reviewed, UGC care listed journals. He has completed three funded research projects in Saudi Arabia. Besides, he has presented research papers in national and international seminars in India and abroad. He has also attended workshops, reference courses, Faculty Development Program (FDP) in India and abroad. Apart from his teaching and research, Dr. Sharma rendered his services to many academic and administrative committees and an associate member of many national and international journals editorial board. He is a Life Member of the Indian Accounting Association (IAA) and Indian Accounting Association Research Foundation (IAARF).
