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Dr. Muhammed Abrar Ul Haq

Assistant Professor

Economics & Finance

Dr. Muhammad Abrar ul Haq is currently serving as an Assistant Professor at Economics and Finance Department, College of Business Administration, University of Bahrain (UOB). Dr. Abrar earned his Ph.D. in Economics from Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) in 2017. He joined the academic career in 2010 and has held several leadership and management roles and positions including campus coordinator, program head and research chair. His work started at a higher education level when he joined the Islamia University Bahawalpur (IUB) in 2010 where he taught different post-graduate level courses of Economics. In 2013, he started working at Punjab Group of Colleges as a campus coordinator. He also served at Department of Economics, University of Lahore as an assistant professor. His international exposure started in January 2018, when he was appointed in AMA International University (AMAIUB) Bahrain as an Assistant Professor. He performed a leading and mentoring role during his work with AMAIUB. He served on International Research Publication Committee as a research chair and MBA program head at AMAIUB. He has provided several trainings on Statistical Software and Research Writing at AMAIUB under the faculty development program. He also successfully conducted several research seminars and training workshops for quantitative analysis using SmartPLS, SPSS and EViews at Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), University of Lahore (UOL). Dr. Abrar is also an active researcher and able to publish in several Web of Science and Scopus index journals. His research interest includes empowerment, poverty, welfare economics and development economics.
