The program aims to introduce students to a rapidly advancing innovations including blockchain, artificial intelligence and machine learning. The program will make students familiar with FinTech (financial technology) which refers to the usage of technology to design and manage financial products and services. The program takes an inter-disciplinary approach combining expertise in technology with the expertise in economics, finance, data science, cyber security and ethics. Key topics covered in this program are: Corporate Finance, Investments and Portfolio Management, Financial Technology, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Cyber Security, Big Data, Financial Analytics and Machine Learning.
Students will conduct independent research and solve sophisticated financial problems in complex contexts using sound professional judgement. It will develop the awareness of ethical, social, regulatory, economic, sustainability and global perspectives relevant to the financial sector, with a particular focus on the adoption of financial technology.
Press here to download the 2020 Academic Plan of the program   (PDF, 0.2 MB , 3 Pages)
A. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the body of knowledge in Financial technology.
B. Communicate effectively and professionally.
C. Evaluate business issues and practices from ethical and global perspectives.
D. Demonstrate the research and analytical skills needed to solve problems in financial technology
a) Students will have the required knowledge in financial technology.
b) Students will demonstrate a critical awareness of current issues in financial technology.
c) Students will demonstrate effective use of written communication skills and tools.
d) Students will communicate effectively in oral presentations.
e) Students will learn about perspectives and challenges that relate to research ethics.
f) Students will analyze the global impact of business on organizations individuals and society
g) Students will analyze research data and reflect critically on the analysis.
h) Students will have the opportunity to develop a research/proposal including aims methodology and a literature review.